
Friday, October 29, 2010

Motivation... I need some!

Motivation... let's see. I need A LOT of it! I see piles of stuff all over the house yet, I just can't seem to plunge thru it. We have 6 weeks left until the big moving day and I know it will all get done... somehow. I get distracted by Facebook, my iPod, or whatever else. Maybe I need to ground myself from these distractions!

God, help me get thru these piles!

On a higher note, the piano will be gone tomorrow which I think will help me a lot! There will now be more room to put all of the boxes and furniture. Now, I just have to sell our bedroom furniture and I will be a very happy girl!

Ok... I am a little bit more motivated after venting.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Giving In!

Well, I have given in to the blogging world! 

I have decided to embark on this venture to share what is going on in the lives of The Chave Family. We have a lot going on right now and this is a great tool to fill everyone in at once. So, I hope you enjoy sharing in our lives.

Stay tuned to hear about our trip to The Grand Canyon...