
Monday, April 25, 2011

Photo Shoot & Easter

Last Sunday our church (COC Metro) had an Easter Egg Drop and Picnic after church. They were going to drop 25,000 easter eggs from a helicopter for kids of all ages to gather. Camera in hand I was able to get some pretty cool shots of the eggs falling from the sky, hitting the ground, and kids scurrying about. 

Some eggs were already on the ground as they couldn't fit 25k eggs in the helicopter
The helicopter getting ready to drop the eggs
Eggs falling from the sky
Yes these are eggs!
And the race to see who can get the most is on...

I sent several pics from this day to the church and I soon had an email in my inbox asking if I would be a 2nd photographer for Mother's Day. That made my day! So if you are in the area of North Dallas on Mother's Day, stop by COC Metro and get your mother's day photo.

This past Saturday I took pictures of the girls and my niece and nephew. The day was calling for thunderstorms and just yuck weather so I was a little nervous. But the weather cooperated and we got some great pictures. See for yourself.

Levi and Lyndsy... I think this could be a print ad for a magazine selling buckles or something
Winning buckles
Chloe and Karlee
What we call "The Album Cover"
Another "album cover"

A big thank you to all the kids for letting me photograph them!

Yesterday was Easter and well... it was AWESOME! We went to church at 11:00, MeL and Dave met us there. The whole service was amazing! Great worship, great message - Jesus gave the best Encore!, and baptisms! After church we met up with Barbara and the kids and headed off to spend the day at Six Flags. We had a lot of fun (at least I did)! The older kids paired up (thanks Alex for coming along), Barbara and Karlee wandered about, and The Dishmans, Peter, & I did as many roller coasters as we could. The Texas Giant just reopened on Friday so we were really wanting to ride that one. We rode Batman, Tony Hawk (not it's real name but that is what I call it), Texas Giant, Batman again, and Texas Giant again. The Texas Giant lives up to it's name! While waiting in line (about 30-45 min - better than at least 2 hours the day before!) we got to see just how tall and how steep the first drop is. I was quite nervous for the first drop! Once we got behind the gates and were next in line, the adrenaline was pumping and I was ready to go! The climb to the top was fun and then.... well let's just say I was glad the lap bar was very secure! The first drop was freakin' scary! The rest of the ride was so much fun! I screamed and laughed and screamed some more. When it was over, I was ready to go again! We took Chloe and Levi on it right before the park closed. It was our turn to get on. The car that we were going to be getting on stopped short and created some kind of malfunction. They had maintenance come and after running all three cars through once, we got on! I was with Levi, Peter and Chloe behind us, and MeL and Dave behind them. The second time was just as awesome as the first! 

After leaving the park we headed towards home to get some dinner. The weather was pretty bad in Denton and Aubrey with thunderstorms, rain, and a tornado watch! As we were driving the sky to our left was pretty black and I was getting a little nervous. Those clouds are all too familiar! We made it to Olive Garden just in time for a big rain storm and to quench Dave's thirst. We ate and then went home. 

It was a great Easter!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

380 Photography... COMING SOON

Well it's official; I have decided to name my new photography business 380 Photography!I am mainly going to focus on taking pictures and selling those pictures to anyone who wants a print. I will also take pictures for people of their kids, animals (preferably ones that cooperate), buildings, etc... I haven't worked out all of the details but will soon. I haven't registered the domain yet or worked on a website but I HAVE taken more pictures to add to it once it is up and running!

This past Wednesday and Thursday, I traveled with Peter to Denver. We went to two pretty small towns (Timnath and Calhan). I didn't take any pictures of Timnath (since we were only there for about 20 minutes or so) but I did take some in Calhan. When in small towns, there is typically not a lot around. Mainly houses and old buildings. Well, I don't feel comfortable photographing someone's house without their approval so, old buildings is typically what I will go for. Plus, they have so much character and personality to them... how can you not be drawn to them? Anyway, I believe that I took some of my best yet!  I will start with my absolute favorite!

Old Building... I just LOVE this picture! I love everything about it!
Huge Bicycle
Close-up of the foot pedal of the bike
Not quite sure what this is... just thought it looked cool
Driving along trying to find something to photograph and this is what I found. The sun was peaking thru the clouds... can't really tell here though
A very large rooster sitting on a pole... I like this angle better than the entire thing
Water Tower
 Old building again... just different edit
Same building just different side 
Same building... opposite side and different angle
 This is another favorite... To me it looks like a painting
Well, there you have it! Some pretty cool pictures (at least I think so) that I am pretty proud to share!

UPCOMING: I am super excited to take picture of the girls and possibly my niece and nephew the day before Easter. I have so many ideas in my head that I had to write them down so I don't forget! Some involve boots, a bench, a tree, and blue-bonnets. Did I say that I am super excited? Oh, I guess that I did! =-p

Well, that is all I have for now! Stay tuned...