
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer Vacation to AZ

The girls both wanted to go back to AZ to visit friends and family this summer so we scheduled their plane tickets and began to figure out where they would stay, for how long, how they would get from place to place, etc... Peter would be working a few days in AZ when the girls would be there but those plans went a little haywire! Installs/Trainings were moved all around and ended up making his 3 or 4 day work trip to AZ a 10 day trip! At that point we decided to make it a Chave vacation with all 4 of us! Peter would be flying in from Colorado and meeting the girls and I at our gate on Wednesday, July 13th. I was scheduled to leave that following Monday and everyone else was scheduled to leave on the 23rd.

So here is how our trip went...

The girls and I got up bright and early to make our 7:15am flight. Thank you to my father-in-law for taking us. We get to the airport, proceed to the Southwest counter to check our bags. We are 2nd in line but step aside to fill out ID tags for our bags. When I look up to get back in line, the line is now about 25 or so people deep and everyone is moving at a snails pace. WTH? We finally get up to the counter and get our bags checked! Then it's time to tackle security. We get in line and wait our turn. Once we get thru the security check we now stand in line for the other part of security. This is going so well. The TSA workers are moving extremely slow, they are training new employees (which is perfectly necessary but, when they are going that slow the lines begin to get long and travelers begin to get impatient!), and then everything comes to a halt! Not quite sure why they stopped everything but it was kind of creepy. You could hear a pin drop! Things finally get going again and we get through security and head to our gate. Phew! Our plane arrives and we take off without any issues.
You would never know it's only 7:15am! =-]

We arrive in Phoenix after a stop in El Paso. We get off the plane and there is Peter! Woot Woot! I dislike being away from him for even a minute. We head to baggage claim and gather up all our luggage. Three girls flying = a lot of luggage! Then we head outside to meet Mary Jo. We drop her off at her house and head off to run some errands since we can't check in to our hotel yet. We go to Bookman's, Peter Piper Pizza for lunch (not as good as I remember), my parents, and then to our hotel. We settle in and then Chloe and I head down to the pool.

Lyndsy is waiting to meet up with Ashley M to go to youth and spend the night. Dinner later at Red Robin, quick stop at WalMart to get drinks and snacks to fill our mini fridge, and then sleepy time!

Peter heads off to work and Chloe and I get up and head down to breakfast. After breakfast we had the hotel shuttle to take us over to San Tan Village to wander around. Ok... I must state this now! Arizona is miserable HOT! Ok, back to day 2. We wanted to see Chris G so I texted him to see if he was working today. He said not until 1pm so we wandered around til then.  It was so much fun seeing the look on his face when Chloe ran up to him and hugged him! No picture as my hands were full. Sorry. We chatted with Chris for a bit in the store, saw Shirley B there too, and then walked over to WalMart to buy some jeans for Peter. I think we were crazy! Need I remind you (better yet, myself) that it is miserable HOT here? By this time, Peter was done working so he picked Lyndsy up from Ashley's and we met them at NYPD Pizza for lunch (more walking in this heat!). We went back to the hotel and relaxed for a bit. The jeans I bought for Peter didn't fit so we headed back to WalMart to exchange them and then he dropped the girls and I off at Old Navy. He had to work this night so we were left to wander around in the heat - again. Lyndsy wanted to see Chris so, we walked over to the mall again, saw Chris for a few minutes, went to exchange some shoes for Lyndsy and then met Chris again when he got off work. We went over to Chris & Ashley's house to hang out and play games. They introduced us to Catch Phrase (way fun!) and then we played Catan. Finally, Chris drove us back to our hotel. Peter finally got back and that ends day 2.

Peter heads off to work and the girls and I sleep in. We head down to breakfast and then get ready to meet my sister and mom for some fun. Once they both arrive, we did a quick photo shoot. See below for a peek.
 This was photo #1... this set the tone for the rest of the shoot
 Big sis and the girls
 My mama
 Big sis, mama, and the girls
 fishy faces
 Nana & her grand kids
Aunt Shelly & her nieces
Between my sister and Lyndsy, they made this session a little difficult. I kept getting my sister with her eyes closed and Lyndsy kept making funny faces. Ugh! =-p After pictures we went to Chick-fil-a for lunch and then to get manicures and pedicures. My mom ended up dropping us off cuz she was having stomach issues. The rest of us girls got much needed pampering! After our pampering we went back to the hotel so the girls could get their stuff. They left with my sister to spend the night and I chilled until Peter got back. Dinner was Carraba's. That was the end of day 3.

Peter went off to work yet again (He didn't have one day off the whole 10 days) and I slept in again. I did a whole lot of nothing today. I watched a couple episodes of Deadliest Catch, looked for a job online, showered and made myself presentable. When Peter was done working for the day we went to see Larry Crowne (pretty good movie - not exactly what I thought it would be, but pretty good). We headed to Scottsdale to get the girls from my sister. As we waited, we ate Chipotle for a late dinner. Back to the hotel for showers and bed! This ends day 4.

Another day of Peter heading off to work and the girls and I sleeping in (my sleeping in was really making up for the restless nights I have been having). We went down for breakfast - again - then back up to our room to get dressed and ready for the day. The girls wanted to go to the movies so we went to see Monte Carlo. Pretty cute movie. Thought it was going to be a lot like the Lizzie McGuire movie but it wasn't. After the movie we had the hotel shuttle pick us up and take us back to the hotel. Chloe was spending the night at her friend Darien's house tonight so she got all her stuff together and Darien's mom picked her up. Lyndsy and I waited for Peter to get back and then we went to Famous Dave's for dinner. This ends day 5. 

I bet you can't guess how this day starts out? =-p That's it... just like the others. Lyndsy and I took the hotel shuttle back to the mall to go see Harry Potter 2. LOVED this movie just as much as the others! I am so sad that they are all done! When we came out of the movie there was a dust storm coming so we hung out in Charming Charlie until Peter came to get us. Found some really cute pink sandals! On our way to dinner, a dust storm was hovering over the valley. We decided to name it 'Haboobie - the wife of Haboob'. Dinner tonight was The Old Spaghetti Factory at Chandler Mall. Pretty good but not as good as I remember. Back to the hotel and this ends day 6.

Peter = work. The girls and I = sleep in. Today was another day back at San Tan mall for window shopping and to finally check out a store that we have passed numerous times that had 50% off sale signs all over. We walked from store to store keeping cool in their air conditioning and finally made it to Romy - the store with the sale signs. Everything in the store was 50% off and I purchased a dress and 2 tank tops. I also bought those really cute pink sandals from Charming Charlie. After we were shopped out and exhausted from the heat, we had the hotel shuttle pick us up and take us to Filiberto's to get lunch (there isn't one here in TX or anything like it) then back to the hotel. Then we all chilled until Peter got back. Dinner tonight was BJ's Brewhouse and I was extremely sad to find out that my favorite meal (their meatloaf is was delicious) is no longer on the menu. They do however still have my favorite beverage - Jerry Burst Cider! And this was the night we were celebrating my birthday as a family. =-[ Oh well, I was with my family and that's all that matters! Back to the hotel and this ends day 7.

Peter dropped the girls and I off at my mom's work so I could borrow her car today. Lyndsy got a sports physical. She is officially taller than I am! YUCK! The girls and I went to a place called Jump Street (they have a bunch of trampolines to jump on) and bounced around for an hour. (I was exhausted after 5 minutes - forgot how much energy it takes to jump on a trampoline). Here are a few pictures.

After the exhausting hour, we went to lunch at Chipotle, then headed to my parents to do a couple loads of laundry. We were waiting to hear back from Mrs. Bolton to see if she was still at school and being the impatient person I am, I decided to call the school. She was still there so, we hopped in the car and drove out to Copper Basin. We were walking down the 6th grade hallway and I saw Mr. Sutterby and was saying hi to him when Mrs. Bolton comes running out of her classroom saying, "I recognize that voice". We hung out with Mrs. Bolton for a while, saw Mrs. Theisen and Mr. Fehr. Oh, I forgot to mention that Chloe received a text from her good friend Morgan (who moved to Michigan) that said they will be here on August 4th and want Chloe to stay with them. We got back to my parents house grabbed our laundry and headed back to my mom's work where chocolate cake was waiting for us. Thank you Shae! Peter picked the girls and I up from my mom's work then we headed to McDonald's for a quick bite to eat. Back to the hotel for showers and bed. Have to get up early tomorrow. End of day 8.

Peter dropped Chloe and I off at the dentists office. Yep, we went to the dentist while we were here too (at least Chloe did)! She had 2 loose teeth that we just couldn't pull out and their dentist (Gilbert Pediatric Dentistry - Dr James Johnson - if anyone needs an AWESOME pediatric dentist) said if we ever needed teeth pulled to come on in. They tell me she is ready and that they pulled her last 3 baby teeth. Did you catch that? The LAST 3 baby teeth! My baby girl has all her adult teeth!
 The little treasure chest they gave her filled with her last 3 baby teeth!
Perspective on just how little the 'little' treasure chest is.
After her appointment we called the hotel shuttle to come pick us up. We got back to the hotel, got Lyndsy and went down for breakfast. After breakfast the girls left to go spend the day and night with my parents. They took them to Brunswick XL for some bumper cars, bowling, and games. Here are a few pictures from their fun. (disclaimer... I did not take any of these pictures).
 Lyndsy tearing up the lanes
 Chloe's turn
 My dad  WAY too serious to be going on the bumper cars!
 Now that's better! He is chasing Chloe's blur =-]
 Of course my dad would find a game that has a gun
Prize time!
Once the girls left and Peter got back from doing his work, we met up with my sister to pick up Lyndsy's iPod cable that she forgot at her house. We picked Shelly up and went to Mr. Goodcents. Yum! After lunch we went back to our hotel and hung out. Later, Peter and I went to Gordon Biersch for a yummy dinner! Then we stopped off at Charming Charlie to pick up some sandals for Chloe. Back to the hotel and this ends day 9.

Peter was going to drop me off at my parents on his way to working but I didn't sleep very well and decided to sleep in. I got up and asked my mom to pick me up at the hotel and take me back to her house. She picked me up along with my final loads of laundry and set off to Target then her house. Started laundry, woke the girls up - well they were already up, and hung out. Peter said he would be done fairly early so, he came to pick us up and since we weren't able to meet up with Mrs. Bolton for lunch we headed to Port-a-Subs. Back at the hotel we packed up our stuff for our departure the next day. Mrs. Bolton called and said she was able to meet for dinner so the girls and I headed to YC's to meet her. By now we had decided to allow Chloe to stay until August 10th so, I confirmed with Mrs. Bolton that Chloe could stay with her until The Merlino's arrived. Of course, she was more than willing to let Chloe stay with her. =-] We had a great time at dinner with Mrs. Bolton. After dinner we went back to the hotel to get the girls stuff together since they were spending the night at Tandra's house. Once Tammy, Tandra's mom, picked the girls up Peter and I met up with Jim and Heather for drinks and dinner (well dinner for everyone but me - I had dessert). Always nice to hang out with dear old friends. Back to the hotel to end day 10.

Today Peter and I slept in! Woot Woot! No work for Peter today! We leisurely got up, finished packing, and ready to leave. We checked and rechecked that we had everything we brought then packed up the car and went to Einstein Bagels. We had to make a quick stop at WalMart to get socks for Chloe before picking Lyndsy up to head to the airport. We got to Tandra's house and let the girls eat their lunch then said our goodbyes to Chloe. So sad to leave her in AZ but I know that she will be in good hands and have a blast! We got to the airport, checked our bags, got through security, and made it to our gate. I went to the bathroom and when I came back Peter was in line at the counter. He had received a text that our flight from El Paso to Dallas was cancelled. WTH? Thank goodness my husband is on top of things and was the first in line. The ladies at the gate worked their magic and got everyone on another flight in El Paso. We got on the plane and sat for what seemed like forever! It was miserable hot and they told us that there was too much weight on the plane and with the heat they would have to take some cargo off before we could take off. Finally, we got off the ground and heading towards El Paso. 
Yeah, we are on the plane heading back to TX!
 Peter waiting to board the plane in El Paso. (and some grumpy woman in the background)
Once in El Paso we had to switch planes. Lyndsy and I shared some pasta before we made our final leg of our trip home. We finally made it to Dallas, got our luggage and met our brother-in-law at the curb. We got back to the house, said hello to the doggies, unpacked, showered, and crashed! And that ends day 11.

There you have it! The Chave Arizona Vacation 2011!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good Friend, Good Food, and Fireworks

Yesterday was Independence Day and a lot of fun! I made scalloped potatoes, macaroni salad, and burgers to take over to MeL & Dave's. They were so gracious in asking us over to BBQ! (Not really... I asked if they minded if we came over to BBQ and being the awesome friends they of course, said yes!) It is always great to hang out with The Dishman's! I am SO very thankful that they moved so close to us!

Our BBQ consisted of munching on tortilla chips and dips, eating DELICIOUS grilled onions, burgers on the grill, macaroni salad, and scalloped potatoes. Oh I almost forgot... our dessert was a very sweet giant cookie from Sam's Club. I have been asking for one for years for my b-day and since Peter will be gone for my b-day this year (insert sad face here) he got one for me early. 

After filling our bellies with such yummy food, we sat on the couch and chilled. Well, sort of chilled. Lyndsy was in rare form and was tormenting Chloe and I (I was dishing it back of course). I think we made their dogs a little nervous. Oops. Sorry Shelby and Shadow!

On our way home we stopped off to pick up some fireworks. We got the 'Kids Pack' complete with sparklers, poppers, grenades, smoke bombs, and more. We dropped off all the leftover food and headed off to Barbara's house. 

Here are some pictures of what we did...

 fire and sparklers...
  yep! more sparklers...
 and even more sparklers...
 not sure what happened here
 tank... didn't work so well on dirt
chicken thing... 

Barbara's neighbor was setting off bigger and better fireworks so we took the rest of our 'Kid Pack' and hung out with them for a while. The girls and I set off bottle rockets and I guess after Peter and I left, Lyndsy was lighting off the bigger and better fireworks herself. Good thing Barbara's neighbor is a fireman!

Thank you to everyone for a great 1st July 4th in Texas!