
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just a little info...

The weather here has been unseasonably warm. We have had rain and some major thunderstorms and thanks to all that rain... the trees are starting to get their leaves and flowers are blooming.  I love spring and all of the beauty it brings!

Peter and I started watching Friday Night Lights and have now finished watching the entire series! I just love that show and am very sad that it's over! As Peter tweeted, "The Taylor's will be missed". I think I will have to watch them all again. :-)

I have been pretty good about keeping up with my Bible reading plan and I also started a women's bible study at church. I was super excited at our first meeting to find out that the study was on the Tabernacle. I read all about this in January and February and was fascinated with it then. Now I get to delve even farther into it and I'm praying that I learn even more! I am currently reading Judges and Proverbs. Proverbs has been quite an eye opener as I read them.

I am still looking for a job (the one I interviewed for didn't work out, obviously). It's so frustrating searching for jobs! I have, thankfully, picked up a few more photography sessions... I am photographing a wedding in September and the girl getting married has asked me to do their engagement photos (which I am doing this Saturday in Fort Worth) and her bridal session in June. I also am photographing a golf tournament in June. Super excited for each event! 

Today we looked at our first property to rent. We were supposed to look at two of them but the realtor got a call that it just leased. Kinda sad, as I was really looking forward to seeing that particular one. The one we looked at today is on the same street we are on now. It was nice. Fresh paint and carpet but the cabinets were not so great and the microwave was trashed. Oh, and the toilet in the master bathroom is in a really odd place... you walk into the bathroom and there it is on the right. No little room or anything! Here is a diagram of the bathroom layout. 

It would work though. Our realtor is going to see if he can come up with some other rentals for us to look at. We are just limited in where we can live because of the district boundaries for the girls' schools. We shall see!

Tomorrow the girls will be showing their goats at the Denton County Stock Show. Hoping for some good results! Next week is the Aubrey Show and there will be a lot less competition! 

Well, that's all I have. Until next time...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ho Hum...

That is how I feel these days... Ho Hum! I have spent the last 12 months doing a lot of different things (traveled with my husband when he went on business trips, had the honor of photographing some great people, ate out A LOT, suffered anxiety, hung out with friends, made a lot of new friends, watched a lot of TV shows, and more) but one thing that I have done over and over again is look for a job -  to no avail. I never knew looking for a job (not just any job, one that I want to stay at for a very long time) would be so difficult. Countless hours searching job sites, updating my resume, updating my cover letter, receiving rejection emails and letters. Out of the gazillion (it seems that way) resumes I submitted, I only have had 5 interviews. Pretty frustrating! I typically walk away from an interview with a pretty good idea what the outcome will be and I am usually right. Out of the 5 interviews that I have had... 3 of them I felt like I was a shoo in but for 2 of them - that wasn't the case. I will let you know about the 3rd one as I have to wait until Friday to learn my fate. Crossing fingers and toes and sending up lots of prayers!

I am extremely excited that part of the ho hum feeling will be going 'bye-bye' in a couple months. We have come to the realization that we can finally move (thanks to the Financial Peace University class we have been taking through church). We have to save, save, save! But it will be well worth the sacrifice. I think that our current living situation has been a godsend and am truly thankful that we have a house to live in - it's just not HOME. Well, it is a home (for Peter's parents)... it's just not OUR home! I am praying that the right house will become available to us in the next 2 months and we can move. You see, we are sort of limited to where we can move unless we want to pay a lot of money to keep the girls at the school where they are. And houses to rent are limited within the school boundaries but I pray God will let the right house come available. Peter and I were talking a little bit ago that neither of us really feel like we LIVE in Texas. Sure the girls go to school, we go grocery shopping, and our cars indicate that we live here, but we realized that since we don't have a place to call our own... we don't feel like Texas residents. Kinda strange feeling too - especially when I have gone back to Arizona to visit (where I was born and raised) it doesn't feel like home either. Anywho, I know that we are all excited to move into a place we can call ours and take up roots here 'deep in the heart of Texas'. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :-)

Well, I must finish up my ramblings so I can get some chores done. Until next time. Happy March!