
Thursday, December 16, 2010

We have ARRIVED!

Well, a lot has happened since my last blog! I will get to what has happened during the last week in a moment... I want to share that The Chave's are officially Texans now! We arrived Monday, Dec 12th around 7:25p central time. Lyndsy, the dogs, Sophie, and I in one car and Chloe and Peter in the U-Haul. What an adventure it was!

Ok... now I will go back to my last post and fill you in on what all has transpired in the last week.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3: Peter & I arrived back in Arizona from Poulsbo, WA. We hopped into his car and set off on a road trip to  Texas! We stopped at Walmart to stock up on supplies (food and blanket) for the journey. Well, I am not a big "sleep in the car" kinda girl but, knowing that both Peter & I had been up all day and were going to be driving all night; I knew that I had to get some sleep to give him some relief. I managed to stay away until a little past Tucson, AZ and then my eyes became so heavy, I could barely keep them open (kinda like now). I slept for a bit and when I woke up in El Paso, TX, it was sunny out!

Being the wonderful wife that I am, I offered to take over driving so Peter could get some sleep. He refused and ended up driving the entire way! WOW! I know that I could NOT have done that!''

We drove and drove and drove until we finally reached his parents house. It was about 3:50ish in the afternoon. We unpacked the car and went in to say our hello's. A little later we went to dinner with Peter's parents and sister's family (minus Levi). After dinner we came home, got cleaned up, and went to bed! 

ON SUNDAY, we slept in and then hung out for a bit. The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. Dinners, family, and getting a few things ready for the move. We flew home on Tuesday. It was sure nice to see the girls after being gone for so long!

The rest of the week was pretty jam packed!

WEDNESDAY morning I had to take Peter back to the airport so he could fly out to Oakland for work and then pick him up later that evening. 

THURSDAY morning I received a phone call from an agent asking if her clients could come check out the house. Sure thing! Chloe's 1st hour class was throwing her a surprise Christmas/Moving Party so, I went so I could take some pictures. It was super cute to see these kids dote on her and not want her to move! Mrs. Bolton cried almost the entire 1st period! The agent and her clients showed up a little later so, Peter and I took the dogs for a walk. Thursday evening the girls and I walked over to the Gwaltney's to play some Settlers of Catan. Good times even though I didn't play very well. =-(

FRIDAY morning Peter and I took the dogs to get groomed, I went back to Chloe's school for the last day! It was not as emotional as I thought it would be! We picked up the U-Haul a little later in the day and then had to cancel dinner with the Japenga's as packing wasn't getting done as quickly as it needed to be! 

SATURDAY morning we met my sister at Verizon to switch her over and then it was Christmas with my family. We had brunch at IHOP then went back to my parents to hang out and then open present! Later we went to RT O'Sullivan's with the Dishman's to watch the UFC fights. GSP vs Koschek! Awesome night of fights!

SUNDAY morning we went to church and holy moly was it emotional! I cried almost the entire service. At then end of the service Mark had us (along with Joanne Edwards - she is moving to Oregon) come up on stage to pray for us on our move. He could barely talk so, he asked Chris to pray. I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to leave all of my friends! But hey! We are only moving a few hours away (flying anyway)! Then we came home and frantically started shoving things in boxes. People started showing up around noon to help load the truck. In the end we didn't get everything in and will be coming back to AZ to take the final little bit back. After the truck was full everyone began leaving and I must say... it was pretty emotional saying by to MeL (you too Dave)! Girl I love you like a sister! The drive was pretty uneventful! We stopped at Eegee's for dinner (yummo) and then headed to El Paso to stay the night. 

MONDAY morning we got up a little later than we wanted (but we needed sleep) and loaded up and set off on the 2nd part of our adventure. Lots of driving, stopping every couple of hours, and snacking... we arrived in Aubrey at about 7:25p. 

Today is now THURSDAY and I just realized that Lyndsy had downloaded all the pictures from my camera onto her computer so, I can't post any for you to see. I will work on that this weekend and get some posted for your viewing pleasure. =-]

I think you have read enough for one sitting. More another time!

1 comment:

  1. Awe, I love you too Tash! I sure do miss you. Arizona is just not the same with out you guys in it (It Sucks). Hopefully one day we can go and visit you guys in wonderful Texas!

