
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

Just realized how long it has been since my last post. We have been a little busy lately. 

Chloe has been taking riding lessons for almost a month now and I think she has had a total of 6 lessons so far. She is a total natural! Right now she is learning 'English' style riding. She doesn't want me posting pictures (not sure why) but I will be a bad mom and post some anyway. =-p How else is everyone going to see how amazing she is doing? 

These are from her first lesson on March 5th

Getting settled
Love the form!
 Learning balance

Since her first lesson, she has progressed pretty quickly. She has already done some small jumps where the horse typically walks over the jumps (while trotting). Her horse actually did a real jump (not big) and the look on her face was priceless! She didn't fall off and didn't freak out which was great. This past lesson she got to test out the big arena! 

Here are some pics of her lesson Friday

 Let's go this way
 Kickin' up dust
Getting ready to jump
I am so proud of Chloe! She was so adamant about taking riding lessons but insisted that she wanted a horse just so she could take care of it. We told her that she HAD to take lessons if one day she was able to get a horse. Now look at her! She is also earning an additional lesson each week by cleaning stalls, bridles, and doing whatever needs to be done. Oh and yes, I have pics of her doing that too! =-]

 The headless Chloe cleaning stalls
 Hard work
Hard at work

Now onto Lyndsy. She has been taking hitting lessons for softball and has been doing much better! No pics of her lessons but I do have some pics of her warming up during her game last Friday. I haven't mastered taking pics during her game... I will work on that! Lyndsy's school is honoring 'Texas Tobacco Free Kids Week' this week and some students signed up to die due to second hand smoke. Well of course, Lyndsy signed up. She 'died' yesterday and all week has to wear a white shirt and a necklace. She is supposed to refrain from talking to anyone (ya know... since she is dead) but said she has laughed several times. Good going. =-]

 Having fun
 Pop up
 Yea, I caught it... with my eyes closed even!
 Looking like a true softball player!
 The view from the bleachers

We went to Six Flags Over Texas with MeL and Dave during Spring Break, have watched some UFC fights with them as well. Ha ha! I just remembered that before the first fight we watched together here in TX we went to dinner. We were going to take them to Babe's Chicken but the wait was CRAZY long so, we decided on The Blue Goose. Well, I saw that they had this brand of tequila that my cousins friend had while at his house for lunch after my grandma's funeral. A bunch of them were doing a shot and offered me one, but I was leaving - which meant I was driving. Anyway, I decided to take advantage of the restaurant having that brand and ordered me up a shot of tequila. Let me state that I hadn't eaten lunch and the shot was more like 2! Let me also state that I DO NOT remember much of dinner - the actual eating part! The tequila hit me hard and fast! I was devouring freshly made tortillas as quickly as I could to help absorb the alcohol. That was for you grandma! =-] 

This Thursday the girls are showing goats at the County Fair in Denton. Never thought I would say that! They are my sister-in-laws goats and she needed help so, the girls offered up their services. Such great girls we have!
Anyway, I must hope in the shower and head out to find me some 'interview' clothes. Yep, I have an interview tomorrow. Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. Guess we better go back to The Blue Goose if you don't remember dinner =-) Just gives us a reason to go back ~ It was really, really Yummo!!

    Good luck tomorrow friend ~ go get'em!!!

    MeL =-)
