As 2011 comes to a close I thought I would recap some highlights from each month. Let's begin...
January - Peter had work in AZ, we still had stuff in our garage, and my dad's birthday. It all worked out that I could travel back to AZ with Peter for his work trip. We were going to kill 3 birds with 1 stone during this trip. Peter get his work done, surprise my dad for his birthday, and load up the remaining items in our garage.
February - We had a lot of SNOW days! Lyndsy's 14th birthday was one of them. My grandmother passed away and I was back in AZ just for an overnight trip.
March - Chloe started horse back riding lessons. MeL & Dave moved to TX and are only 30 minutes away!
April - The girls had their 1st goat show in Denton. Launched my new website and had my first photo shoot. The girls also had another goat show in Aubrey. Lyndsy won a buckle.
May - Took Mother's Day Photo's for COC Metro in crazy wind! Chloe's 13th birthday and our 16th anniversary. School ended for the girls.
June - The girls and I volunteered to help with Beach Blast at Church and it was a blast! Peter's birthday and my sister's birthday.
July - The girls went to NM for church camp. Lyndsy went to a volleyball camp at Texas A&M. My birthday. Peter had work in AZ for 2 weeks so, we made a family vacation out of it. Chloe had her remaining 3 baby teeth pulled. Chloe stayed in AZ longer to visit her friend, Morgan, from Michigan.
August - Got the girls registered for school. Picked Chloe up from the airport! Went to my 1st ladies event with the lovely ladies of COC Metro. We went to Chick-fil-a, HIMprov, and for yogurt. Went to Women of Faith with some lovely ladies at COC Metro. Our family is now a little bigger. We are sponsoring, Zienabou, from Niger. Got my first EVER speeding ticket. =-(
September - Attended a photography class. Lyndsy is playing volleyball. Lots of lightning and rain. Had a high school senior photo shoot.
October - Last minute booth at the Peanut Festival. Went to AZ with Peter for the day, then flew to CA - where I went to Disneyland all by myself. My mom's birthday. Girls showing their goats at the North Texas State Fair. Saw Mandisa in concert with Lyndsy.
November - Day trip to Wichita, KS with Peter. Went to Canton with some ladies from church. Played 'whirly ball' for the 1st time. Had 3 photo shoots. Traveled to CA with Peter. Completed my 1st EVER 5k! Thanksgiving with family and friends.
December - Booth at AMS Arts & Crafts Extravaganza. COC Metro Ladies event. Started Body by Vi. 3 photo shoots. Christmas! Date night with Peter.
And that brings us to today - the last day of 2011. We enjoyed 'lunner' at Babe's Chicken, went for ice cream, checked our mail, and now relaxing. The girls have parties tonight and Peter and I are doing nothing.
Praying for a great 2012 - or as Eric Stonestreet is going to call it 20dozen!
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