
Thursday, April 5, 2012

crazy busy

I have been so busy the last month that I realized; I need to get better organized! I am a pretty organized person to begin with but not having a job and my ‘normal’ routine has helped mold me into a lazier person. I am not enjoying my new routine so much and am really looking forward to getting back to ‘normal’. I can honestly say that my ‘normal’ routine is what I miss the most from Arizona (other than my family). Things will be back to normal again soon and I am super excited!

Here is how this past month has gone down… I have had 2 interviews for a job I really wanted but didn’t get and I am okay with that. God has other plans for me. I prayed for Him to keep me busy and He has! I have my Saturday Bible study and am really enjoying it! The girls had Spring Break and I was finally able to get Lyndsy and 2 of her friends together for a photo shoot. Good times I must say. :-) The Denton County Stock Show was a few weeks ago and the girls showed their goats. They didn’t place but still did very well! So proud of them!! I had an engagement photo shoot at the Fort Worth Stockyards and had the pleasure of meeting a great couple. I will be seeing quite a bit of them this year.

Then I had a week of photo shoots what seemed like back to back.
My niece and nephew at a beautiful location that I can’t wait to use in the future!

A bluebonnet photo shoot with the Alexander’s (I just love Kennedy – she makes the sweetest faces).

The Holt’s are never boring in their location choice. :-) We were supposed to have their photo shoot at the Dallas Arboretum but needed to stay closer to home. They were having Pierce’s 4th b-day party at Strikz bowling alley and asked if I would do it there. Sure, why not! I am up for a challenge… and a challenge it was! In the end, it was the perfect place for such a fun family!

 The Aubrey Stock Show and Sale was Saturday and we were there pretty much ALL day. The girls again did very well (Chloe placed 6th and Lyndsy 4th). We left for a bit and then came back for the dinner and sale. BBQ was delicious as always and the sale was fun! Deke and Samantha came for the sale and a big thank you to First Security Bank for bidding on the girls goats in the premium sale! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I was able to win the bid for brisket this year! Peter was laughing at me because I was so excited about brisket!

Sunday came along (by this point, I was pretty exhausted) and we went to church and then had the 2nd Annual Easter Egg Drop. This year they were able to drop a lot more eggs from the helicopter and it looked so cool!

Then I had a quick photo shoot at UNT! Ashley rocked the photo shoot!

Then I raced back to our FPU class. Phew! Monday, Peter left for a 2 day business trip and I spent the day editing photos. Oh, I drove to Whitesboro to watch Lyndsy run the mile at her track meet. She came in 3rd! Tuesday was quite eventful! I had an impromptu interview at a company very close to home and we had quite a crazy afternoon of weather. Tornadoes were sprouting up all over and did a lot of damage! Nothing too close to us, thank goodness! I think the count is up to 15 tornadoes that touched down. WOW! Wednesday I dropped off photos and CD’s to customers and today I finished the last of my photo CD’s

I am so grateful for staying busy!

Well, right now there are not any houses to rent within the AISD boundaries. We are trusting that God will provide the perfect house for us when the time comes!
I have several photo opportunities coming up over the next several months and am excited for each one! Thank you to everyone who puts their trust in me to capture their family on ‘film’! 

Easter is Sunday and I just love that it’s a wonderful time to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection! Thank you God for offering Your Son to endure the cross for my sins! 

Happy Easter!

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