In my last post I said that "I won't be back to my old self until I can leave the preschool for good. I am hoping that will be very soon...". Well, I have left the preschool and start my new job on Monday. I am super excited for the New Beginning!
Here's how it all happened (short version). I was having a really bad Monday. I emailed the ladies pastor at church, Sarah, and asked her if she knew of anyone hiring for something admin related. She replied back that she got a call from Pamela (also from church) about an Intake position at her work. To make a long story short, Pamela and I talked and that led to me talking with the VP of Operations (mind you, this is around 8pm at night). A few days later, I received a call to come in for an interview the following Monday. Fast forward to Monday. Interview went really well (but I have had that feeling in plenty of other interviews so, I didn't get my hopes up too much). Next step would be to meet with the owner. Got a call to come in for a second interview that Thursday. :-) Had a really good feeling about this one! Fast forward to Thursday. Met the owner and another lady and was offered the job during the interview! That was a first! I must give a HUGE thank you to Pamela for being my champion during this whirl wind experience! I would have never gotten the job without her!!!
Well, the very next day I gave notice (a week and a half originally, but ended up giving a week and a day after getting sick yet again). My last week was brutal - fever, headache, congestion, and one foot out the door didn't help. The worst part was they asked me not to say anything until they gave me the okay, which ended up being Friday. Oh well. Friday and Monday I trained the new teacher and happily left Monday after my shift. That chapter of my life is closed and I am ready to get myself healthy and start this new chapter!
On another note... the girls had their first goat show last weekend at the State Fair. They both did exceptionally well! Peter and I were not going to go see them show on Saturday since there was a big football game happening on the fair grounds but decided to leave the house at 6am (yep, I said 6am) to beat traffic. We met up with Barbara, Chad, Margaret and all the kids at their hotel, then headed to the fair. A lot of other people had the same idea we did! I was surprised at how many people were there so early in the morning! SIDE NOTE: Both girls are showing new goats this year and both goats are a lot nicer looking than their old ones. The problem is that they haven't worked with their goats (Caramel, is Chloe's goat and Sunny Side Up is Lyndsy's goat) very much. I am super thankful that we went! Chloe was in the first class and there were 8 goats. In past shows, she was chosen last or close to last. The judge kept eliminating goats and Caramel was still 'standing'. When there were 3 goats left the judge would go back and forth between them. He went up to Caramel, felt her back then went to another one and sent that one to the 'loser' line up. It was now between Caramel and another goat. Oh my gosh, I was freaking out! Caramel got 2nd! Holy Cow! I could hardly contain myself! Here is a photo of Chloe and the 1st place girl.
Chloe then had to wait to show again for the Grand Champion/Reserve. All of the 1st & 2nd place goats in a certain group of classes compete for Grand Champion/Reserve (Chloe's competition was the first 5 age classes so, there were 10 kids she was up against). Chloe could only get Reserve since she came in 2nd place but didn't get it. The girl who placed 1st over Chloe got Reserve. This meant that Chloe's goat, Caramel, came in 2nd to the goat who won Reserve (2nd place) over all the remaining 8 goats! Lyndsy was in the 18th class with 9 goats. She did very well too! She placed 6th. Here is Lyndsy and Sunny Side Up.
So proud of my girls and all of their hard work! Barbara got all of the kids (Lyndsy, Chloe, Levi, Karlee, and Reedy) pink show shirts and embroidered "Praying 4 a Cure' on the back - a tradition she started last year.
Sunday the girls showed again (we didn't go this time - which was good because I was super sick) and didn't do as well but still did fantastic! Chloe came in 3rd and Lyndsy came in 9th. Different judge = different likes and dislikes. Barbara said that Lyndsy showed the best she ever had that day! Again, so proud of my girls!
It has been good to have 4 days off to get things done around the house, finish wedding photo stuff, hang out with Peter, and take the girls to school. Oh, I almost forgot... yesterday I took Lyndsy out of school early to get her learner's permit. That was a crazy adventure! I was talking to the lady in the school office and mentioned that I was taking Lyndsy to get her permit and she asked if I had a particular form... Um, No! She was kind enough to give me the form (if we didn't have the form signed by the school then we would have had to come back another day, and that wasn't going to happen since it was the only day I could do it) and off we went to Gainsville (about 35 minutes away). We got to the DMV (there is one much closer but the wait is terrible), and immediately walked up to the counter. The lady informed us that we didn't have all of the proper paperwork. Grr! We figured out what we needed, called Peter to get it for us, and drove back to Denton to meet him. Got the proper paperwork, then headed back to Gainsville. This time there were a few people in front of us. We waited for about 5 minutes, handed over all of the paperwork, got Lyndsy's photo taken, thumb prints scanned, and her eyesight checked. The lady gave her the code she needed to start her test but it didn't work - Of course! Once she got it to work, it didn't take Lyndsy long to complete it. I must say, we were sweating it a little. If she didn't pass, she was going to have to wait a while til she could take it again. Thank goodness, she PASSED! Let the driving begin!
Well, I must get to cleaning. Enough of my goofing off on the computer! :-)
Til next time!
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