Late last week my grandmother passed away. She was surrounded by some of her children, their spouses, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She joins my grandfather and my uncle Jerry. I have learned a lot about my grandma during the celebration of her life. I learned that she used to sew clothes for her children (a Halloween costume for my uncle John that he didn't want to wear but did anyway and ended up winning a contest), she gave great words of wisdom to anyone who needed them, she made delicious cakes for any occasion (I did know this about her - as she made me numerous cakes), she has 23 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren, and so much more!
I was able to fly out to Arizona on Tuesday night and spend some time with my parents.
Wednesday was the celebration of my grandma's life:
It started with a viewing
Then a very nice service at a church in Chandler
A motor escort to the cemetery
A nice graveside service
Seeing my grandfather's headstone
My nephew's headstone
My uncle's headstone
And then finally off to my cousins house for some reminiscing and food.
My sis and I
My sis, my dad, and I
I had some great conversations with some of my relatives that I don't get to see very often as well as some I do see more often. It was so nice to see some friends of my cousins show up to his house to pay their respects and just hang out. They weren't afraid to meet the family... we can be very daunting with their being so many of us! =-]
Here are some other pictures that I took at the cemetery.
and more flowers
This the tree that shades my nephew, Colin's, grave. I liked how the sun was shining through just in one little spot.My sis and I
My sis, my dad, and I
Me, my mom, my dad, my sis, and her husband
My cousin, Chaz, paying a visit to his dad. I used to babysit Chaz and his older brother when they were just little kids. I have never sat down and just chatted with Chaz before until yesterday. We got to talking about cameras and taking pictures and lo & behold... he loves photography! He brought out 2 35mm cameras of his and was so proud of them. One of them was an old Fugi camera and it was pretty cool! Well, Chaz loves black & white prints so I made this just for him! We talked for quite a while and as I was watching him talk I realized just how much like his dad he really is! His eyes are just like his dads, his demeanor, and his passion. Now to just have him grow a mullet! =-]
This is the full shot of my grandparents headstone. The blank space on the right is where my grandma's plaque will go. This is my grandma's final resting place. I thought twice about posting this shot but really like what was written in the dirt. You see everyone was invited to drop a handful of the dirt shoveled out of this hole back onto her casket. Some of my cousins and cousins kids were really close with my grandma and really struggling with her passing. So, Doug - my brother-in-law - took them and had them write "We love you" in the dirt. I honestly didn't notice the writing until after I had taken the picture. That just made it that much more special! I have to say that I know that my grandma's body is laying beneath these words but her spirit is definitely with her Maker! Love you grandma!
I ended my day running a few errands and then hanging out with some dear old friends, The Duggan's. We (Peter & I) have known Jim & Heather as long as we have known each other! They were kind enough to lend me a car for the day, feed me dinner, let me crash at their house, and then take me to the airport at butt crack thirty. Heather and I stayed up talking way too late and I got up way too early but it was so worth it! Thanks again guys for your hospitality!
Well I am exhausted from the last several days. Night