I have decided that everyone needs a friend. A really good friend. A friend that will listen when you need to vent. A friend that yell and scream at the TV with you. A friend that will cry with you. A friend that will do nothing with you. I have also decided that YOU must be all those things back! As the saying goes, "It takes two to tango".
I have had a lot of friends over the years and I truly believe that the friends that I have had, came into my life for a reason. I do however, believe this true more for adults than kids. I have developed friendships quickly with some people while others it took time to develop that special bond. Some friendships seem to never end even though you hardly talk or write. You just know that they will always be there for you for whatever reason. And then there are some friendships that just end abruptly. Well, it seems abrupt when it happens but once you take the time to re-evaluate what happened you can see the deterioration started a while back.
Well, today was a big day for a couple of our friends! They were getting news about a potential move across the US or a closer move to TX for a job. Of course I was hoping for the latter but would have been super happy for them no matter where they moved too! Really! Well, we got the text (a very clever one I might add) that they are moving to TEXAS! I was (and still am) SUPER excited that our friends are moving here! The areas that they are looking at to live are pretty close which is even better! I cannot wait until March! I may have to make a paper chain to help count down the days. tee hee!
I pray that this friendship lasts a lifetime! Love you guys and welcome to Texas!
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