
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Days and more

Well, it has been a few days since I last blogged and really not much has been going on. We had a big winter storm (really a cold front) come in on Tuesday morning. It didn't put much snow on the ground this time but the same snow has been on the ground since Tuesday and it's now pretty much ice! 
This is actually at my sister-in-laws house, when we ventured out on the 1st.

School has been canceled since Tuesday and is for the rest of the week. They are very thorough at the school district as they send me at least 2 emails and 6 or so texts daily  to tell me that "school is closed due to inclement weather". =-] 

Yesterday was Lyndsy's 14th Birthday and she was extremely excited to have the day off from school! I didn't have any decorations so, Lyndsy and I made paper chains and hung them around the kitchen area. (yes, she really did help make her own decorations) She invited her friend Emily over for a sleepover. We enjoyed her favorite dinner of Onion Chicken, pasta, and sugar carrots. I almost forgot to make her birthday cake... I saw it there, quickly made it, and then put it in the oven with the chicken (on a different rack that is). When the chicken was done I must have turned off the oven because when I went to check on it, it was still pretty runny! Oh well! I ended up being super moist and yummy!

 The birthday girl! I must say that I think she is very beautiful! I can't believe that she is already 14! Time is flying by way too fast!
Because the cake was still hot from the oven, the candles were melting inside the cake. Pretty funny!

Lyndsy's birthday present... Let's see how long this one lasts!

Today has been a relaxing kind of day. I worked on laundry and watched some home improvement shows. I talked to my mom about my grandma. My grandma was at the doctor's office about a week ago and fell. She broke her hip and had to have a hip replacement. While at the hospital they discovered she had some other issues and now they just found out that she has cancer in her gall bladder and that it has spread to her lymphnodes. My mom said that she isn't taking it very well and that my dad is doing 'alright'. I will update as I get them.

Well, that is about it! Just trying to stay warm!

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