Day 6 was a good day relatively speaking. I didn't have any soda today and it felt great! I did have a really bad headache and my ears were hurting on and off. The worst part of the whole hurting ears thing is that I get the feeling that I am going to fall over every now and then. Not good!
I did some laundry and we met one of Lyndsy's friends, Emily and her parents. They were taking the girls to the mall to hang out and see a movie. Once they left, Peter and I went to get Chloe so we could go shopping for Lyndsy's birthday. (crazy that my baby girl is going to be 14 years old on Wednesday!!!)
After shopping and lunch, we went to Barbara's to see the baby goats. Of course I had my camera at the ready! Karlee's goat, Lucky, had 3 babies (a doe and 2 bucks) on the 27th and Levi's goat, Cinnamon, had 3 babies (a doe and 2 bucks as well) on the 29th. I took quite a few pictures of the babies and all their cuteness! Unfortunately, both of Lucky's bucks have since died (one on Friday and the other today).
These are Cinnamon's three babies
This is Angel... the sweet little doe from Lucky
Chloe holding Lucky's buck (this is the one that passed away today). Chloe had just gone down to the barn with Karlee when these babies were being born. Chloe has been loving on these babies every day so far! She has even fed one of them.
They are just so cute and very LOUD! It so reminded me of when my girls were babies and they cried.
After we were done checking out the babies I wandered around taking pictures of random things.
Our storage unit
Rooney the donkey
Another pic of Rooney
Chance... he didn't really like me taking his picture
Steady on the other hand... loves to have his picture taken especially close ups... He doesn't understand 'personal space'
Another close up of Steady
Rio (Grande)... He is very large and another one who doesn't like his picture taken.
After playing at the ranch we went home to chill. I made chicken stir fry for dinner and later Peter and I watched Shrek Forever After.
That's it for Day 6. Stay tuned for Day 7 (today)
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