When we got out of church it was still raining and beginning to snow. By the time we got home (it takes about 5 or so minutes to get there or back) it was snowing. We ran inside, bundled up, and ran back outside to play. Well, I got my camera before running back outside. Prime picture taking opportunities.
The beginning of the snow
Molly not quite sure what this white stuff is...
Trying to get a picture of the snow actually falling
Molly loved the snow - at this point anyway!
Looks more like ice than snow
Yep, that is SNOW!
I love this stuff!
The house across the street
Chloe getting ready to have a snowball fight
Lyndsy utilizing my cars snow catching capability
Don't eat yellow snow!
My niece, Karlee, just a little wet!
Molly is not so sure anymore about this white stuff
Bella is not a cold weather dog! She would rather be in her warm bed!
It has only been snowing for an hour and this is how much has stuck!
Isn't she a beauty?
Time to make a snowman
Is it big enough?
The finished product... a snow'boy'
Dang, it's cold out here
Help! I can't see anything
This is our street. I think it looks like it should be in an old movie!
I had a great day today. Ventured out into the unknown for church, got to play in the snow for the first time (well, I have played in the snow before - I have just never played in it while it was actually snowing - I have only ever been in the car when snow was actually falling), and my husband came home!
This morning the girls had school (I think they were hoping for a snow day but no such luck) and I was pretty tired so, I let them sleep in a little a decided I would take them to school instead of them riding the bus. A little before it was time to leave I went out to turn the car on and scrape my windshield (another first). I went to open my door and it wouldn't open. Hmm, I thought. I clicked the button again to unlock the door and I heard it unlock. Again I tried to open the door to no avail. Hmm, I thought again! I clicked the button yet again and heard it unlock again. I tried the door again (it was early and remember I have never been in weather like this) and still it wouldn't open. At this point I realized the door was unlocked but FROZEN shut! "What do I do?" I thought to myself. Picture me pulling on my door handle praying I didn't pull the whole door off as I yanked and yanked until it finally opened. Did you picture it? Pretty funny scenario huh? Well, I finally got the car turned on (the whole process maybe took 2 minutes) and started scraping the snow and ice off my windows. I managed to clear my window and needed to (because that is how I am - things have to be symmetrical) do the other side. Got that side all clear as well. By now the girls are in the garage watching and waiting for me. I went to walk back around to the drivers side to get in the car when my feet just went and slipped right out from under me. Another great scenario to picture in your head - you can LOL too! You won't hurt my feelings. I slowly got myself up and ever so slowly walked to the door. The girls were none the wiser. And off we went. I dropped the girls off and made it back safely.
Now I sit here typing out my post for you to read. I think it's time to get myself cleaned up and run some errands with my husband.
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