
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 2 of No Soda

I survived day 2 of no soda! I actually had a pretty good day! I had some errands to run that I have keep forgetting to do and it felt good to cross them off my To Do List. I even caught up on a few recorded shows!

Today I do have to say that I ate a lot more than yesterday but I still didn't give in to the soda god! Like yesterday, I didn't really crave a soda today (I did more than yesterday though) and even bought some lemonade at the grocery store to help with my liquid intake since I don't drink anything but water now. I do need to up my water intake to make up for not having the soda. I will get right on that. ha ha!

The next 3 days shall be interesting, as I will be traveling with Peter. Typically when I travel with Peter I tend to drink more soda and not have ANY water! Hmmm, let's turn that around this time and not have any soda! 

I will blog during our trip so you can see how I am doing. Plus I will take pictures while we are gone and of course post them for your viewing pleasure (MeL =-]) Be on the look out for a 'lock'.

Until tomorrow


  1. I gave up soda once for 6 whole months, oddly it wasnt the cravings I gave into but the convience. Exspecially travel with work and it would be so easy when I was thristy to drive thru and pick up a soda. That was my down fall

  2. I'm not an everyday soda kinda gal, we've really worked hard to make it a 'treat' that we all have... The hard part is when we have left over soda from a party- you don't want to let it sit there, so you go a little crazy. I wish you luck with your endeavor, Tasha!
