
Sunday, January 16, 2011


Well, it is official! We no longer live in Arizona. I know that we have been here for just a few days over a month but as of yesterday - our house is E-M-P-T-Y! 

Peter had work in Scottsdale on Friday so we decided to make it a productive trip. Work, Surprise, and Pack. We flew in on Thursday and ran some errands. Made it back to the house and loaded the moving truck with trash (since someone stole our trash can) and giveaway stuff. Then we sorted through the rest of the stuff. To end our first day back we met up with MeL and Dave for dinner. Great times chatting and listening to karaoke. =-]

Last week when Peter was in Scottsdale working he stayed at the house. Since there wasn't anything for showers or to sleep on, he bought the necessities and settled in like a squatter.

Friday morning Peter left early and I slept in. I got dressed and walked to Copper Basin K-8 to bring Mrs. Bolton a book we bought for her. It was so fun to see the surprise on her face and the sadness when she realized there was no Chloe with me. We chatted for a bit and then her 3rd period students began to filter in. Several kids noticed who I was and kept asking if I was bringing Chloe back. LOL! After that I went back to the house to call my dad and wish him a Happy Birthday. It was very hard to not let it slip that I was in town not in Texas. Then I left to take the giveaway stuff and meet up with my family to surprise my dad for his birthday. 

My dad's birthday at 5 & Diner

I got to the restaurant a few minutes late (planned that way) and saw my parents. Luckily my dad had his back to me. I got to their table and asked if I could sit here. The look on my dad's face was priceless! He kept saying, "so I was talking to you and you where here?". Ha ha, yes dad! Shelly and Doug finally got there and we enjoyed our lunch. Well, my dad and I had breakfast. =-]

The Birthday Boy
 Mom taking pictures
 Big Sis
 Everyone but mom... she was the picture taker
 It was fun surprising my dad and spending time with my family!

Peter called and told me he wasn't feeling well. He was going back to the house to go to bed. Yuck! Well, I got to the house and MeL and Dave came over to help load the moving truck. We got it done in record time. Then Lyndsy called and said that she wasn't feeling well either and wanted us to come home NOW! That wasn't gonna happen so, her aunt took her to Urgent Care. Sick husband with me and sick daughter in Texas. Good times. MeL, Dave, & I went to Chipotle for dinner. It was so much fun hanging out with them for 2 days! They are such great friends!!! 

Saturday morning Peter still wasn't feeling well but we had to head back to Texas. Two nights sleeping on the floor was enough. Peter drove to Tucson where we had breakfast at Crackle Barrel and then I drove to El Paso where we had lunch at... Crackle Barrel! Peter took some migraine medicine and was feeling MUCH better but now I was feeling crappy. Grrr! He drove the rest of the way home. We made it back in about 20 hours. It felt so good to shower and sleep in a real bed!!!

Today I slept in until 12:45! Felt good! Now I am catching up on laundry and waiting patiently to see my girls!


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