
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Well, we have been in our house now for 10 days and it's beginning to feel more and more like home. We have even had MeL & Dave over for dinner!

FRIDAY - Moving day was a scorcher and we are so very thankful to all who helped (MeL & Dave, Levi, Bo, Tyler, Kyler, and Abby)! We could not have done without you! I think I did about 10 loads of laundry and quite a few runs of the dishwasher! I was so worried about our refrigerator being moldy but to my surprise, it was just really smelly! Chloe and Abby cleaned it out and the smell went away! We returned the U-Haul right on time and came home and got cleaned up, then headed off to Wal-mart and Sam's for a very expensive shopping excursion.

SATURDAY we had Direct TV coming so we had to wait for them to show up before we could do our final shopping trip. We were also blessed to have The Madonna Family bring us a very yummy dinner! Providence (our neighborhood) had a 4th of July celebration and I was so HAPPY that I was able to see the fireworks from the balcony! It kinda hit me that this is now where we live and I even got teary eyed!

SUNDAY was church. We started a new series called, "I love the 80's". After church we went to Ikea and The Container Store. Then, more unpacking. Deke, Samantha, and Kennedy stopped by on their way to Denton Water Works (I really wanted to go but was just too exhausted).

MONDAY we took a bunch of stuff to Goodwill (one realizes that after not having some stuff for a year and a half - you really don't need it at all!), made a trip to Ikea to get a futon for the loft (since the couch the girls use broke at some point while in storage) and a couple other items for the girls' rooms, did more laundry, ran the dishwasher some more, and unpacked some more boxes.

TUESDAY while I was at work, Peter cleaned the rest of the dishes and we purged even more stuff! It was so great to get the kitchen put together and the table cleared off!

WEDNESDAY we cleaned a bit and had MeL & Dave over for dinner. We hung out for a bit then they had to leave since they both had to work Thursday.

THURSDAY I worked and Peter did some more unpacking. At this point, the family room, and kitchen are done and the upstairs is a work in progress. The loft is pretty much done with just a few things that need to find another home.

FRIDAY I worked again and Peter worked on his office. After I got home, I changed and we headed out to the Rangers game. Thank goodness our seats were not directly in the sun cuz it was h-o-t! The game was pretty uneventful but the fireworks show afterwards was FANTASTIC!

SATURDAY I spent a good part of the day with some wonderful ladies from church for mani/pedi's and lunch. Love those ladies! Spent the rest of the day chilling with my husband.

SUNDAY (today) I skipped church (I know... I'm a bad girl but I was exhausted and just needed to do nothing). Peter mowed the yard and then we went to Sam's Club and Wal-Mart. We just finished dinner and are now hanging out. Lyndsy leaves for church camp tonight and will be back next Saturday.

There you have it! We are settling in to our Home Sweet Home!

1 comment:

  1. Woo, I'm tired reading this post but happy to hear y'all are getting settled into your new home! Looking forward to seeing what is in store for the Chaves family in the months to come! Love y'all and hoping for nothing the best.
