
Monday, September 3, 2012

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since my last post but as they say... "better late, than never".

A lot has been going on since we moved into our new house. I have been working as a preschool teacher at a daycare just a few minutes away. This job has been very challenging! I forgot how much 'fun' 4 year olds can be (did you catch the sarcasm in my words?). A week ago Friday, we swapped rooms with the 2 year olds and this was very exciting! My old room was extremely small and my new room is quite large! The girls were kind enough to come help me get everything moved over. Peter dropped them off around 4:30 and we finished about 9:15! Phew... that was a long day! But our new room, looks amazing! Through all the moving of rooms and craziness I was diagnosed with strep throat about a month ago; finished my antibiotics and a few days later, the sore throat was back. The doctor called in another prescription and it didn't do anything! I still have a sore throat (not like before, but it still hurts). Yesterday was NOT a good day at all! I felt weak and dizzy! Came home from church and took some nighttime medicine. Felt good to sleep for a few hours during the day! Today I feel better, but I am still not 100%!

Lyndsy has been playing volleyball pretty much all summer and she is really showing improvement! So proud of her. She is also now on Bomb Squad (they help motivate the football players and help them during games). I think Lyndsy is going to have a fabulous, busy junior year! Hard to believe that my baby girl is a junior! Here are some photos I took just last weekend of Lyndsy...

Chloe has also been busy. She babysat a lot this summer (when Lyndsy couldn't) and watched a lot of TV. She has joined her sister at the high school as a freshman! Wow! Two daughters in high school - man, do I feel old! Here is a great photo of Chloe.
 Had to include this one of the girls together. :-)

I know y'all are waiting on photos of the new house, and I will have some soon. I promise.

I think that is it for now. Happy Labor Day!

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