
Monday, November 29, 2010

13 Days!

13 more days left in Arizona and man... just about everyday is jam packed! I am not complaining at all. I get to spend 7 days with my husband traveling to Seattle and back then driving his car out to Texas. 

Peter has a great job and works for a wonderful company! One of the perks of his job is that he travels and for the last several years has earned a companion pass - which means I get to go with him sometimes! I have gone to Reno, New Orleans (my favorite place so far), St Louis, Oklahoma (not sure exactly where; just that is where I was introduced to Maggie Moo's), San Luis Obisbo, San Diego, and plenty of other places! Well, as I said we are flying to Seattle this week and I am excited!

Here is a quick snapshot of our last 13 days in Arizona. Take a deep breath and here we go... Mon & Tues - Peter in Colorado :: Wed - Going away Party at Serrano's :: Thur & Fri - Peter & I in Seattle :: Sat thru Tues - Peter & I drive his car to Texas and take care of some stuff before we move :: Fri - Girls last day of school, Dinner with The Japenga's :: Sat - Christmas with my family, UFC fights with The Dishman's :: Sun - Church at 9:00a, get the UHaul, bribe people with food to come help load, then off we go! 

There is still so much to do but I am no longer stressed about it! It will get done when it needs to get done! Or as a friend says, "It is what it is". =-]

I am becoming more and more excited about seeing where God is leading us! 
Stay tuned! Tomorrow there will be only 12 more days!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

About a week ago I received the Best Buy 'Black Friday' ad and after looking through it a gazillion times; I compared two cameras and decided that whichever one was available when we got to the store is the one that I would get. Well, after not sleeping too well last night and waking up at 3:00a to find that my alarm was set to go off at 3:15p, I reset the alarm to reflect 'a' and tried to go back to sleep. Before doing so, I nudged Peter to see if he still wanted to venture out so early in the morning. He said, "sure, if you want". Heck no! is what I thought. I want to stay cuddled up in my warm and cozy bed not out in the cold waiting to get into a store. Who does that? I guess I do! I got up (not at 3:15a but at 3:30a) and we walked out the door at about 4:25a. We met MeL and Dave there and being such wonderful people they are... they let us cut in front of them. Not too long after we were able to get indoors to warmth and The Dishman's went one way and The Chave's off to the camera area. We asked a very friendly employee (NOT) where to find the camera I was hoping to purchase and she promptly said, "all bundle cameras are at Customer Service." So, we set off to Customer Service praying the line was not long and that they had what I wanted. Well, the line was 1 person deep. We got to the counter and told the very helpful employee what I was looking for and he handed me a camera bundle. Unfortunately it was the more expensive camera that they were advertising and not the exact one I wanted. They did have my 2nd choice and I was more than willing to purchase that one but, my husband suggested we get the other one. With much hesitation, I agreed and we made our purchase then set out to find The Dishman's. They found what they wanted and we stood in the Disneyland style line (without the fun payoff at the end) and chitchatted until it was there turn. And to think... when we got out of the store, it was still DARK!

Next was breakfast at IHOP and then Old Navy. We got some good deals at Old Navy, headed to Target to get a Christmas present, and then home. We were home by about 8:30a. 

I played around with my new toy for a bit, taking picture after picture of Molly and then Chloe once she got up. 
 This one of Peter was one of the first ones I took. I think it turned out pretty darn good!
 This is Molly (or Mo Mo's).

After a bit, Chloe and I headed out again to go get a few things I needed for my Scentsy Home Party tomorrow and to go to Old Navy again. I couldn't believe that the line was still very long at Old Navy! Oh, well!

A quick stop at Walmart to pick up a few groceries and then back home to work on flower/coffee pens and dinner.

It has been a long day and I am officially ready for bed!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

I am Thankful for...

I am so thankful for many things right now! My husband - he is my best friend, the love of my life, he makes me laugh, and so much more! Lyndsy - she is beautiful, smart, and feisty! Chloe - she is beautiful too, smart too, and caring! My family - has helped mold me into the person I am today! I am thankful for great friends - you know who you are!!! I am thankful for this opportunity to move to Texas! I am thankful that Peter's parents are willing to let us live with them for a little while. I am thankful for Peter's sister and husband - that they are excited we are on our way. I am thankful that I have Jesus in my life! I am thankful for my friends at bible study. You have taught me so much!
This is our last Thanksgiving in Arizona. We spent it with my parents, sister, and brother-in-law.

The morning started out with finishing the cornbread stuffing and Chloe making her veggie tray. Chloe did a great job making it! We loaded the car with all of our goodies and picked up my parents. 

My sister made turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, and another kind of stuffing. My mom made a ham and of course we had my cornbread stuffing. We ate well! Then we ate pie! Ande's Mint, Pumpkin, and Apple. 

We have 17 more days until we leave and I can't believe how much we have to do in that time! We have dinner plans with several great friends, trips to Seattle and Texas, a going away party, Christmas with my family, and our final UFC fight night with friends! On top of all of that I have to finish packing. It's all good tho! I know it will all get done!

Well, I have to get ready to go to bed... getting up early to hit Best Buy for Black Friday! I am hoping to get a new camera!

Monday, November 22, 2010

20 Days!

20 is the number! The number of days left in AZ. I am getting SUPER excited and can't wait to see Peter's family! I am super excited about not having to drive down Hunt Hwy anymore! I am excited to learn about my new surroundings. I am excited about a lot of things. I am also sad about a lot of things, but I will save that for another day. 

Knowing that the number 20 is only going to keep getting smaller, you would think I would be frantically running around the house packing boxes, but NOPE, not me! I have decided to take a different approach and be a slacker. =-] I have set up camp on the left side of the couch and play on FB or on my iPod. That seems to be pretty productive, right? Ha ha, it does while I am doing it! Today was no exception. I did do something a little productive today. I did some stuff for my Scentsy party this weekend, went to lunch with my main squeeze, read 1 Corinthians 12, made dinner, offered up 4 FREE tv's on FB, and well... now I am blogging. Sounds pretty productive to me!

Tomorrow is the day... The day to pack the loose stuff I have been putting in the living room. Then once the girls get out of school, we will be running some errands and then taking advantage of our free appetizer at Red Robin. Then the girls are off for the rest of the week. Woot Woot! I get to take advantage of their being home! Tackling to do lists!!!!

Well, my friends it is time to watch some TV with my main squeeze. Night!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

For Sale

There is a For Sale sign in our front yard, boxes packed in the living room, stuff needing to be packed in the living room, stuff needing to be packed in several other rooms, some empty rooms, clean bathrooms, and a little bit of dusting that needs to be done. The questions are... Will the house sell before we move? Will everything EVER be packed? The answers are... With lots of prayers - YES! (for both questions)

I am getting more and more excited to move as each day passes however, it really doesn't feel like we are moving! I have been packing for well over a month and still do it regularly, but for some odd reason, I don't feel like we are moving. I know that once we have it all packed in the U-Haul and we are saying bye to all our friends, it will be a little more real. But until then... 

The countdown is now to 3 weeks and 5 days. I really only have 2 weeks to get the rest packed and ready to go since Peter and I will be going to Seattle on Dec 2 & 3 for his work and then we are driving his car out to Aubrey on Dec 4 and coming back on the 7th. While there we are going to get our storage unit, mailbox, register the girls for school, and do whatever else we can in that time. Then we come back and have a few days to finalize stuff here. We are celebrating Christmas with my family on Dec 11. Going to church on Sunday, bribing people to come help load the truck with pizza after church, and then leaving. More on that after it happens. =-]

Well, I am hoping and praying for my phone to ring with a potential buyer wanting to come look at the house. Ring, Ring, Ring!

That's it for today... need to clean up some things just in case.

Monday, November 1, 2010

To Do Lists

I am a fanatic about To Do Lists! I find it very rewarding to make a list (especially if it is a long one) and highlight the things I have completed!
Well, today was no exception. I made a To Do list and it had 27 things on it. Mind you, some of the things to do were simple while others were, well, a nightmare!! With the help of the girls (I let them ditch school today) we were able to mark off 14 of them. 

As you can see... I have only been able to mark off the first side of my To Do list. I plan on working on the first part of the back tonight and then tackle the rest tomorrow. That will be a BIG job in itself!!!

Here are the 'after' pictures from today (the before pics are on posted on another days blog). I even vacuumed! =-]

I can't tell ya how great it feels to have a clean desk, just a few final things to go thru, and all but 3 boxes put downstairs. 

Today's To Do list was quite long because my wonderful husband kinda threw me a curve ball and now wants to put the house on the market. Great! was my original thought, until I realized how crazy out of sorts the house is right now!!!!!!! Knowing now that someone may actually want to buy our house... I have to get in gear and get things packed (also doesn't help that there is only 5 weeks and 6 days left until we move), cleaned, and cleaned even better. I think that my To Do lists are going to be this long for a while longer. Oh, well! At least it prevents me from sitting on my butt doing nothing productive. =-]

Ok... time to start on the back of my list!