13 more days left in Arizona and man... just about everyday is jam packed! I am not complaining at all. I get to spend 7 days with my husband traveling to Seattle and back then driving his car out to Texas.
Peter has a great job and works for a wonderful company! One of the perks of his job is that he travels and for the last several years has earned a companion pass - which means I get to go with him sometimes! I have gone to Reno, New Orleans (my favorite place so far), St Louis, Oklahoma (not sure exactly where; just that is where I was introduced to Maggie Moo's), San Luis Obisbo, San Diego, and plenty of other places! Well, as I said we are flying to Seattle this week and I am excited!
Here is a quick snapshot of our last 13 days in Arizona. Take a deep breath and here we go... Mon & Tues - Peter in Colorado :: Wed - Going away Party at Serrano's :: Thur & Fri - Peter & I in Seattle :: Sat thru Tues - Peter & I drive his car to Texas and take care of some stuff before we move :: Fri - Girls last day of school, Dinner with The Japenga's :: Sat - Christmas with my family, UFC fights with The Dishman's :: Sun - Church at 9:00a, get the UHaul, bribe people with food to come help load, then off we go!
There is still so much to do but I am no longer stressed about it! It will get done when it needs to get done! Or as a friend says, "It is what it is". =-]
I am becoming more and more excited about seeing where God is leading us!
Stay tuned! Tomorrow there will be only 12 more days!