
Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

About a week ago I received the Best Buy 'Black Friday' ad and after looking through it a gazillion times; I compared two cameras and decided that whichever one was available when we got to the store is the one that I would get. Well, after not sleeping too well last night and waking up at 3:00a to find that my alarm was set to go off at 3:15p, I reset the alarm to reflect 'a' and tried to go back to sleep. Before doing so, I nudged Peter to see if he still wanted to venture out so early in the morning. He said, "sure, if you want". Heck no! is what I thought. I want to stay cuddled up in my warm and cozy bed not out in the cold waiting to get into a store. Who does that? I guess I do! I got up (not at 3:15a but at 3:30a) and we walked out the door at about 4:25a. We met MeL and Dave there and being such wonderful people they are... they let us cut in front of them. Not too long after we were able to get indoors to warmth and The Dishman's went one way and The Chave's off to the camera area. We asked a very friendly employee (NOT) where to find the camera I was hoping to purchase and she promptly said, "all bundle cameras are at Customer Service." So, we set off to Customer Service praying the line was not long and that they had what I wanted. Well, the line was 1 person deep. We got to the counter and told the very helpful employee what I was looking for and he handed me a camera bundle. Unfortunately it was the more expensive camera that they were advertising and not the exact one I wanted. They did have my 2nd choice and I was more than willing to purchase that one but, my husband suggested we get the other one. With much hesitation, I agreed and we made our purchase then set out to find The Dishman's. They found what they wanted and we stood in the Disneyland style line (without the fun payoff at the end) and chitchatted until it was there turn. And to think... when we got out of the store, it was still DARK!

Next was breakfast at IHOP and then Old Navy. We got some good deals at Old Navy, headed to Target to get a Christmas present, and then home. We were home by about 8:30a. 

I played around with my new toy for a bit, taking picture after picture of Molly and then Chloe once she got up. 
 This one of Peter was one of the first ones I took. I think it turned out pretty darn good!
 This is Molly (or Mo Mo's).

After a bit, Chloe and I headed out again to go get a few things I needed for my Scentsy Home Party tomorrow and to go to Old Navy again. I couldn't believe that the line was still very long at Old Navy! Oh, well!

A quick stop at Walmart to pick up a few groceries and then back home to work on flower/coffee pens and dinner.

It has been a long day and I am officially ready for bed!


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