
Monday, November 22, 2010

20 Days!

20 is the number! The number of days left in AZ. I am getting SUPER excited and can't wait to see Peter's family! I am super excited about not having to drive down Hunt Hwy anymore! I am excited to learn about my new surroundings. I am excited about a lot of things. I am also sad about a lot of things, but I will save that for another day. 

Knowing that the number 20 is only going to keep getting smaller, you would think I would be frantically running around the house packing boxes, but NOPE, not me! I have decided to take a different approach and be a slacker. =-] I have set up camp on the left side of the couch and play on FB or on my iPod. That seems to be pretty productive, right? Ha ha, it does while I am doing it! Today was no exception. I did do something a little productive today. I did some stuff for my Scentsy party this weekend, went to lunch with my main squeeze, read 1 Corinthians 12, made dinner, offered up 4 FREE tv's on FB, and well... now I am blogging. Sounds pretty productive to me!

Tomorrow is the day... The day to pack the loose stuff I have been putting in the living room. Then once the girls get out of school, we will be running some errands and then taking advantage of our free appetizer at Red Robin. Then the girls are off for the rest of the week. Woot Woot! I get to take advantage of their being home! Tackling to do lists!!!!

Well, my friends it is time to watch some TV with my main squeeze. Night!

1 comment:

  1. I've just got to say, I am SO jealous you get to leave Arizona. Hopefully some day I can follow in those footsteps.
    Been here 19 1/2 years too long.
