I am a fanatic about To Do Lists! I find it very rewarding to make a list (especially if it is a long one) and highlight the things I have completed!
Well, today was no exception. I made a To Do list and it had 27 things on it. Mind you, some of the things to do were simple while others were, well, a nightmare!! With the help of the girls (I let them ditch school today) we were able to mark off 14 of them.
As you can see... I have only been able to mark off the first side of my To Do list. I plan on working on the first part of the back tonight and then tackle the rest tomorrow. That will be a BIG job in itself!!!
Here are the 'after' pictures from today (the before pics are on posted on another days blog). I even vacuumed! =-]
I can't tell ya how great it feels to have a clean desk, just a few final things to go thru, and all but 3 boxes put downstairs.
Today's To Do list was quite long because my wonderful husband kinda threw me a curve ball and now wants to put the house on the market. Great! was my original thought, until I realized how crazy out of sorts the house is right now!!!!!!! Knowing now that someone may actually want to buy our house... I have to get in gear and get things packed (also doesn't help that there is only 5 weeks and 6 days left until we move), cleaned, and cleaned even better. I think that my To Do lists are going to be this long for a while longer. Oh, well! At least it prevents me from sitting on my butt doing nothing productive. =-]
Ok... time to start on the back of my list!
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