
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 6

Day 6 was a good day relatively speaking. I didn't have any soda today and it felt great! I did have a really bad headache and my ears were hurting on and off. The worst part of the whole hurting ears thing is that I get the feeling that I am going to fall over every now and then. Not good!

I did some laundry and we met one of Lyndsy's friends, Emily and her parents. They were taking the girls to the mall to hang out and see a movie. Once they left, Peter and I went to get Chloe so we could go shopping for Lyndsy's birthday. (crazy that my baby girl is going to be 14 years old on Wednesday!!!)
After shopping and lunch, we went to Barbara's to see the baby goats. Of course I had my camera at the ready! Karlee's goat, Lucky, had 3 babies (a doe and 2 bucks) on the 27th and Levi's goat, Cinnamon, had 3 babies (a doe and 2 bucks as well) on the 29th. I took quite a few pictures of the babies and all their cuteness! Unfortunately, both of Lucky's bucks have since died (one on Friday and the other today).

 These are Cinnamon's three babies
This is Angel... the sweet little doe from Lucky

Chloe holding Lucky's buck (this is the one that passed away today). Chloe had just gone down to the barn with Karlee when these babies were being born. Chloe has been loving on these babies every day so far! She has even fed one of them.

They are just so cute and very LOUD! It so reminded me of when my girls were babies and they cried.

After we were done checking out the babies I wandered around taking pictures of random things.

 Our storage unit
 Rooney the donkey
 Another pic of Rooney
 Chance... he didn't really like me taking his picture
 Steady on the other hand... loves to have his picture taken especially close ups... He doesn't understand 'personal space'
 Another close up of Steady
 Rio (Grande)... He is very large and another one who doesn't like his picture taken. 

After playing at the ranch we went home to chill. I made chicken stir fry for dinner and later Peter and I watched Shrek Forever After. 

That's it for Day 6. Stay tuned for Day 7 (today)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 5 of No Soda and Lovelock, NV

Today (actually yesterday) started off pretty good. We left pretty early to head to Lovelock where Peter had a couple of installs. Here are some pictures of the scenery on our way.

The sun hitting the mountainside
 Not quite sure what this is, just thought it looked pretty neat
Another view

Once in Lovelock I dropped Peter off and then went to 'lock our love' in Lovers Lock square. The picture below tells the story of Lovers Lock.

you can click on the picture to get a larger image and then be able to read what it says
 This is where people have put their locks. It's pretty cool to see the names of people from all over
 Here is our 'love lock' that I attached - our wedding date is on the back. I didn't think to add where we were from until it was too late and I didn't have a sharpie. Oh well!
 Wider view of all the locks near ours
 An even wider view and you can still see ours. =-]

Before I attached our lock to it's final location, I walked around to all of the different posts to find just the right spot. I came across a spot that had not a whole lot around them so that is where I put our lock. And to answer your question, lil bro, "no, we didn't go for the biggest lock". It was the only lock we had and didn't want to buy one. It was also the lock that we had on our moving trucks so, there was some sentimental value along with it. 

Well after my adventure in Lovers Lock square, I decided to drive around and see if I could find anything that was picture worthy. Let's just say that there is not much in Lovelock, NV! This is the only picture I took.

It says "Lovelock Welcomes You"

After driving around a bit I decided to go back to Lovers Lock Square and just sit in the car and watch a movie. So that is what I did. I had my big jug of Simply Lemonade (the big jug was cheaper than buying 2 small ones)that I was drinking right out of the jug and Shrek (the last one)

Peter finished early so we headed back to the airport in Reno. First we had some nasty Del Taco (mine was nasty that is)and then went to the airport. This was the beginning of a long afternoon of flying and sitting in airports. On the flight to LA my ears really started hurting. Landing was excruciating! Oh well! We walked around, looking for some place to eat and finally decided on California Pizza Kitchen. It was ok... Then it was time to wait. We finally left LA and had a stop in El Paso. Grrrr! I was tired and feeling like crap. Oh, BTW I had a soda in LA to see if it would help with the way I was feeling but it didn't. And I was reaffirmed that I don't like soda anymore! So no more for me!!! Anyway, we landed in El Paso and my ears were still hurting. As soon as we were in the air I fell asleep and didn't wake up until we landed in Dallas. Woot woot! I have never slept like that on a plane! Peter's dad picked us up and on the way home we went to Wal-mart & CVS to try to find something for my ears but didn't find anything.

I have now showered, unpacked, took 2 Benadryl, and written this blog. The Benadryl is hitting me now so off to the land where dreams are made. Night!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 4 of No Soda - err sort of

Today is day 4 of no soda. Well most of the day was. Right before dinner I had a really bad headache and water, lemonade, or anything else didn't seem to help. I decided to order a kids size soda and not drink the whole thing. I really only wanted just a bit. 

This is my new drink of choice (this and the regular lemonade)

Well our drinks arrived and my soda seemed like I had given in and lost. But I took a few sips and that was it. I drank my water and enjoyed it much more than I have ever enjoyed water. I think I am over the soda thing. 

Okay, the place we went for dinner was called Grimaldi's and man was it YUMMO! (that's for you, MeL!) We ordered pizza and a salad. The salad was very good and so was the pizza. The place was pretty cool too!

These are wine bottles that double as light fixtures

Some fun I was having with my camera mustering up the courage to take the picture of the lights =-]
 Our dessert - Oreo cheesecake made from scratch

We are now back at our hotel and getting ready for tomorrow. We have to be up early to be in Lovelock by 8:15a.  I am really excited to go to Lovelock and take some pictures and share them with everyone.

Well, goodnight! Praying for a better, soda free day tomorrow

Day 3 of No Soda

It's actually the start of day 4 but I didn't get a chance to write my post last night.  Peter and I made it to the Dallas Lovefield Airport yesterday mid morning and as we get to our gate, Peter points out that they are now making Pepsi in the same kind of bottle as some beer that he bought while he was "squatting" in AZ. That didn't help with the no soda but I DIDN'T give in!

We got on our plane in TX then flew to Albuquerque and finally on to Las Vegas. On the plane I only drank water and felt fine other than being super tired. 

We made it to our hotel (not in the best part of Vegas - but is there really a 'best' part of Vegas) and got settled in. We are staying at a Holiday Inn Express and since Peter is a premier (I think that what's it called) customer, he gets a goodie bag. The guy who was checking us in went to get a goodie bag from the counter. He looked inside one of them looked at us and then went around the corner to get one. He handed it to Peter and off we went to find our room. Once in our room, we pulled everything out to see just what we got. Well, see below for yourself. =-]

The not so obvious items are: a sample of Axe, a grooming kit (with a cotton ball, some Q-Tips, & a little itty bitty emery board), and a mending kit. 

We headed out to dinner after Peter made some work calls. Not too much out here so we settled on Olive Garden. The waitress came to take our orders and the food decision was easy but the drink decision was not so easy! I looked at Peter and kinda shrugged. I decided on raspberry lemonade. Not so bad. My dinner was delicious and so was my dessert!

Back at the hotel and it's only 7 something. Watched some tv, showered, and then nighty night time.

All in all - day 3 of no soda was good! Sometimes I guess when you expect the worst, you are pleasantly surprised with... not the worst!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 2 of No Soda

I survived day 2 of no soda! I actually had a pretty good day! I had some errands to run that I have keep forgetting to do and it felt good to cross them off my To Do List. I even caught up on a few recorded shows!

Today I do have to say that I ate a lot more than yesterday but I still didn't give in to the soda god! Like yesterday, I didn't really crave a soda today (I did more than yesterday though) and even bought some lemonade at the grocery store to help with my liquid intake since I don't drink anything but water now. I do need to up my water intake to make up for not having the soda. I will get right on that. ha ha!

The next 3 days shall be interesting, as I will be traveling with Peter. Typically when I travel with Peter I tend to drink more soda and not have ANY water! Hmmm, let's turn that around this time and not have any soda! 

I will blog during our trip so you can see how I am doing. Plus I will take pictures while we are gone and of course post them for your viewing pleasure (MeL =-]) Be on the look out for a 'lock'.

Until tomorrow

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1 of No Soda

I have been drinking soda (regular - not diet) for at least 36 years and have finally decided that I am done with it! I just pray that it doesn't take that long to get it out of my system! =-p

The other day it really hit me that there is nothing I like about soda. The taste, the bubbles, the caffeine, the heartburn, or anything else. I decided to ask Google "how to wean off soda". Cuz you know Google doesn't care if you have proper sentence structure. I clicked on the first link there was and came across some fairly good advice. The writer of the site basically advises to stop cold turkey but also gives some good ideas on how to deal with the withdrawals, mainly the headaches. I decided to prepare myself for the worst as I have tried to wean myself off of soda in the past and had no luck. I prayed for strength and encouragement before bed and before I got out of bed this morning.

So this morning when I got up I made a conscious effort to keep it at the forefront of my mind that I WAS NOT going to give in to any craving or to temptation! Once Peter and I got home from taking the girls to school, I had my typical breakfast, slimfast breakfast shake. Normally I would have a soda about 9ish and about that time I was thirsty and almost went to get a soda without even thinking about it. I caught myself and got a water instead. 

I also decided the other day that I was going to start eating a MUCH simpler & healthier lunch. So today I had some cheese and crackers. This is actually not an uncommon lunch for me as I LOVE cheese. I was going to have cheese and some fruit but I didn't get to the store yet to get myself fruit. 

A little later we were at my sister-n-laws and I started to feel the pangs of a headache. Barbara was kind and gave me some Excedrin Migraine and even though it took a little while to kick in, my headache never got out of control. Phew!

We didn't make it home in time to make dinner and plus Lyndsy needed to get an under armor shirt for softball so, we ate out. YUCK! I am so tired of eating out! Well, I brought a water bottle with me and drank that instead of getting a soda. AND, I had a salad. =-]

So I have to say that day 1 of no soda was a HUGE success! No craving for it (or more hunger pains) and just a minor headache! The strange thing though is that I still have the heartburn! Go figure!

Thank you to everyone who gave me words of encouragement today! Now it's time to go to bed. I have to get up early to get Lyndsy to school a half hour early. Night!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Well, it is official! We no longer live in Arizona. I know that we have been here for just a few days over a month but as of yesterday - our house is E-M-P-T-Y! 

Peter had work in Scottsdale on Friday so we decided to make it a productive trip. Work, Surprise, and Pack. We flew in on Thursday and ran some errands. Made it back to the house and loaded the moving truck with trash (since someone stole our trash can) and giveaway stuff. Then we sorted through the rest of the stuff. To end our first day back we met up with MeL and Dave for dinner. Great times chatting and listening to karaoke. =-]

Last week when Peter was in Scottsdale working he stayed at the house. Since there wasn't anything for showers or to sleep on, he bought the necessities and settled in like a squatter.

Friday morning Peter left early and I slept in. I got dressed and walked to Copper Basin K-8 to bring Mrs. Bolton a book we bought for her. It was so fun to see the surprise on her face and the sadness when she realized there was no Chloe with me. We chatted for a bit and then her 3rd period students began to filter in. Several kids noticed who I was and kept asking if I was bringing Chloe back. LOL! After that I went back to the house to call my dad and wish him a Happy Birthday. It was very hard to not let it slip that I was in town not in Texas. Then I left to take the giveaway stuff and meet up with my family to surprise my dad for his birthday. 

My dad's birthday at 5 & Diner

I got to the restaurant a few minutes late (planned that way) and saw my parents. Luckily my dad had his back to me. I got to their table and asked if I could sit here. The look on my dad's face was priceless! He kept saying, "so I was talking to you and you where here?". Ha ha, yes dad! Shelly and Doug finally got there and we enjoyed our lunch. Well, my dad and I had breakfast. =-]

The Birthday Boy
 Mom taking pictures
 Big Sis
 Everyone but mom... she was the picture taker
 It was fun surprising my dad and spending time with my family!

Peter called and told me he wasn't feeling well. He was going back to the house to go to bed. Yuck! Well, I got to the house and MeL and Dave came over to help load the moving truck. We got it done in record time. Then Lyndsy called and said that she wasn't feeling well either and wanted us to come home NOW! That wasn't gonna happen so, her aunt took her to Urgent Care. Sick husband with me and sick daughter in Texas. Good times. MeL, Dave, & I went to Chipotle for dinner. It was so much fun hanging out with them for 2 days! They are such great friends!!! 

Saturday morning Peter still wasn't feeling well but we had to head back to Texas. Two nights sleeping on the floor was enough. Peter drove to Tucson where we had breakfast at Crackle Barrel and then I drove to El Paso where we had lunch at... Crackle Barrel! Peter took some migraine medicine and was feeling MUCH better but now I was feeling crappy. Grrr! He drove the rest of the way home. We made it back in about 20 hours. It felt so good to shower and sleep in a real bed!!!

Today I slept in until 12:45! Felt good! Now I am catching up on laundry and waiting patiently to see my girls!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

At about 1am on Sunday morning it started raining and didn't stop. I had a hard time sleeping - not sure if it was because Peter was out of town (rather funny, he was in AZ working) or because the rain was making strange noises. When my alarm went off to get up for church I contemplated going back to bed instead of going to church. You see the message series is called the Biggest Bible Buts. I had plenty of buts this morning. I could go to church BUT I was tired. I could go to church BUT I had a headache. I could go to church BUT it's raining. The excuses could go on and on BUT I decided to get up and go anyway. And I am glad that I did!

When we got out of church it was still raining and beginning to snow. By the time we got home (it takes about 5 or so minutes to get there or back) it was snowing. We ran inside, bundled up, and ran back outside to play. Well, I got my camera before running back outside. Prime picture taking opportunities. 

 The beginning of the snow
 Molly not quite sure what this white stuff is...
 Trying to get a picture of the snow actually falling

 Molly loved the snow - at this point anyway!
 Looks more like ice than snow
 Yep, that is SNOW!
 I love this stuff!
 The house across the street
 Chloe getting ready to have a snowball fight
 Lyndsy utilizing my cars snow catching capability
 Don't eat yellow snow!
 My niece, Karlee, just a little wet!
 Molly is not so sure anymore about this white stuff
 Bella is not a cold weather dog! She would rather be in her warm bed!
 It has only been snowing for an hour and this is how much has stuck!
 Isn't she a beauty?
 Time to make a snowman
 Is it big enough?
 The finished product... a snow'boy'
 Dang, it's cold out here
 Help! I can't see anything
This is our street. I think it looks like it should be in an old movie!

I had a great day today. Ventured out into the unknown for church, got to play in the snow for the first time (well, I have played in the snow before - I have just never played in it while it was actually snowing - I have only ever been in the car when snow was actually falling), and my husband came home! 
This morning the girls had school (I think they were hoping for a snow day but no such luck) and I was pretty tired so, I let them sleep in a little a decided I would take them to school instead of them riding the bus. A little before it was time to leave I went out to turn the car on and scrape my windshield (another first). I went to open my door and it wouldn't open. Hmm, I thought. I clicked the button again to unlock the door and I heard it unlock. Again I tried to open the door to no avail. Hmm, I thought again! I clicked the button yet again and heard it unlock again. I tried the door again (it was early and remember I have never been in weather like this) and still it wouldn't open. At this point I realized the door was unlocked but FROZEN shut! "What do I do?" I thought to myself. Picture me pulling on my door handle praying I didn't pull the whole door off as I yanked and yanked until it finally opened. Did you picture it? Pretty funny scenario huh? Well, I finally got the car turned on (the whole process maybe took 2 minutes) and started scraping the snow and ice off my windows. I managed to clear my window and needed to (because that is how I am - things have to be symmetrical) do the other side. Got that side all clear as well. By now the girls are in the garage watching and waiting for me. I went to walk back around to the drivers side to get in the car when my feet just went and slipped right out from under me. Another great scenario to picture in your head - you can LOL too! You won't hurt my feelings. I slowly got myself up and ever so slowly walked to the door. The girls were none the wiser. And off we went. I dropped the girls off and made it back safely. 

Now I sit here typing out my post for you to read. I think it's time to get myself cleaned up and run some errands with my husband. 
